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Ātma Vidyā Gurukulam
Ātma Vidyā Gurukulam

Our Lineage

We belong to the unbroken teaching tradition of Advaita Vedānta tracing back to the Lord himself and preserved through eternity by an illustrious line of teachers including Bhagavān Vyāsa and Ādi Śankarāchārya.  If not for their efforts this timeless knowledge would not be available today. Hence we remain ever grateful to each and everyone who has contributed to preserving this knowledge.

The teaching methodology followed is true to the time tested Advaita Vedānta teaching tradition.

Pursuit of Self-Knowledge today

In contemporary society, there is hardly any exposure to spirituality and Self-enquiry. And if at all there is, it is because of one's upbringing or an outcome of the inherent spiritual strength of the society which is in spite of the education system. In one's adult life too most of the time is spent in running after various material pursuits. Even if there is some teaching going on in the city one lives in, the commute makes it very difficult to attend the classes. But technology has made online classes possible and consequently made access to this knowledge easier. So spirituality can be made a part of one's weekly routine. Only requirement to join these classes is to make the commitment to make oneself available at a specific time every week.

Texts studied

Bhagavad Gītā


Additional supporting texts like tattva-bodha, ātma-bodha, pancadaśī, viveka-cūdāmani, upadeśa-sāram etc.

Yoga sūtra


The Teaching

The Upanishads declare that I am the whole. I am complete. I am, in essence what I am seeking to become. I am not just the inadequate, limited person that I have taken myself to be. Even the highest accomplishment in this world cannot give me permanent happiness because even that will be limited in time and will pass.In fact I am the limitless and all pervasive consciousness. That is the real Self.

Knowing the real Self involves systematic study done consistently over a length of time. The Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita are the only legitimate primary sources of this knowledge. It is so because the Self is not available for objectification. Also there is nothing more worthwhile than devoting oneself to this pursuit of knowledge of oneself. All material pursuits are temporary and at best give short lived happiness. Once one understands this fact and begins the pursuit of Self knowledge, life becomes meaningful and purposeful. The key requirement for assimilating this knowledge is purification of mind or in other words emotional maturity. This is accomplished by Karma Yoga (understood by studying the Bhagavad Gitā) which is right attitude towards action. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gitā that if the attitude with which action is performed is modified, it goes a long way in helping us grow and gain emotional maturity. This makes us a better human being and helps look at all our experiences as a blessing from the Almighty. This attitude is only possible by a proper understanding of the Lord, not as someone located somewhere like heaven etc, but as having manifested in the form of Universal Order or intelligence pervading the creation. And I am non-separate from the order. My body, mind, sense organs etc are only incidental and do not have a reality separate from the universal order. That is, my understanding of myself as an individual distinct from the rest of universe may not really have a valid basis. This, in a nutshell, is what the Teaching is all about and over the course of the study one gains a growing clarity.