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Ātma Vidyā Gurukulam
Ātma Vidyā Gurukulam

Online Vedānta Classes

Vedanta classes are conducted by Swami Sarvananda Saraswati, a disciple of Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati, on Saturdays and Sundays. Classes are ongoing and deal with the texts elaborately. The teaching methodology follows the Advaita tradition. Each class is followed by an interactive Question & Answer session. Class schedule is -

Pañcadaśī - Saturdays 6:55-8 AM Indian Standard Time - ongoing

Bhagavad Gitā - Sundays 6:40-8 AM Indian Standard Time - ongoing

Bhaja Govindam, Atma bodha etc - Sundays 3:55-5 PM Indian Standard Time - Started Sunday, June 2, 2024

You can view Videos of answers to some commonly asked questions by a spiritual seeker on our YouTube channel. This Satsang series is ongoing and new videos will get uploaded on Saturdays. Subscribe to the YouTube channel - Ārsha Vidyā Paramparā for receiving regular updates.